气质 用英文 怎么说 !,品味英文是什么意思

发布时间:2020-07-09 16:34:06

气质 用英文 怎么说 !,品味英文是什么意思


女孩子 「有气质」、「气质美」可以说: She has an aura of elegance.请见以下二例 :
  1. ... Rei … is one of my ideal role models of beauty. She has an aura of elegance and mystery about her.
   ( 瑞,是我心仪的美女典范,有气质美与神秘感 。)
  2. …Prettiest female skater under 18 I picked Ann Patrice because she has an aura of elegance about her and when she smiles her whole face seems to light up. ..
   ( 18 岁以下的漂亮溜冰选手中,我挑选了安.帕翠丝,因为她有气质 .... )
  女孩子「有气质」也可以说: a girl with class. 请见以下四例:
  1. I like a girl with class, smiles, and the mutual appreciation of adventure, health, and the finer things in life.
  2. His Ideal Lady: "I like a girl with class. You know what I mean, she would choose TC over IHOP anyday. She should also be straightforward about how she feels....
  3. Personally, I try and date girls with class. (probably why I' m single) And if this little fiasco upset you, you should probably look for classy girls too. You may ask, “Striegel, where do I find classy ladies?”
   (我个人是想交有气质的女孩 -- 这也许是为什麼我还单身 ....)
  4. A girl with class is a girl who doesn't dare to be the same but dares to be different dares to step out of the cloud and rather walk on top of it she wants ....
  (有气质的女孩不是她也敢跟人家一样,而是敢跟人家不一样 .... )
  以上前三个例子的「气质」也有「品味」、「格调」 的意味,而第四例则有「有个性」的意味。
  至於「有钱没气质」可以说: have lots of money but lack class, 请见下例:
   There was a time when a 5-star hotel was an acceptable substitute for a home away from home, and a meeting place for people having class, sophistication and culture. Instead today, these bastions of luxury are swamped by hordes who have an abundance of money but lack class.
  跟个性有关的气质英文叫 "temperament", 如「性格与气质」 可以说: character and temperament,如:
  1.... His inner character and temperament show that he is not warlike by nature nor do they suggest that he desires the status of a mighty imperial ruler.
  2.... it is a person's character and temperament that matters (more so than ability and relative intelligence) ...
   ( 一个人的性格与气质最要紧 -- 比能力和智力更重要。)
  他们「气质不同」,这里的气质,英文可以说: disposition and nature ,例如:
  1. But look a little deeper and you find that each of us is like a fingerprint; no two are exactly alike. Everyone is unique in character, disposition and nature. Like each of us, a dance school has a personality all its own.
  2. The crescent ... symbolises the influence of feminine disposition and nature on the well-being of the society and State. ...
   (新月象徵女性气质 [阴]对社稷邦国福祉的影响。)
  有「领袖气质」、「领袖魅力」可以说: charisma;影歌星受欢迎、有人气也叫 charisma。分别见下面两例:
  1. Some politicians have charisma, others do not.
  2. Eminem has charisma, Detroit has character.
  ( 阿姆有人气,底特律有个性。)
  男性丰度翩翩、有气质,可以说: debonair,如:
  John Barrymore ... who is remembered both for his roles as a debonair leading man and for his interpretations of Shakespeare' s
   Richard III and Hamlet.
  ( ..大家都记得他担任丰度翩翩、有气质的男主角,以及[成功的]诠释 / 演出莎士比亚的理察三世和哈姆雷特。)
  时尚女人的「高贵气质」,或所谓的「上流美」,可以说: chic,「时尚」和「高贵」,是所谓「上流美」的两大要素。参见下面诸例:
   Jones: "It's chic. It has the 'I roll around in money' signature."....
  ( 很有高「贵」气质 ,散发 「我在钱堆里打滚」的气味。)
   It's chic and upscale and fits perfectly with the mall's image. ....
  It's chic and it's stylish, a retro heart warmer filled with likable characters ....


  音标:英 [teɪst] 美 [test]
  第三人称单数: tastes
  复数: tastes 现在分词:
  tasting 过去式: tasted; 过去分词: tasted
  vt.& vi.尝,品尝
  1.I like the taste of wine and enjoy trying different kinds
  2.We have a taste of the white wine he's brought.
  3.I drank a cup of tea that tasted of diesel
  4.He finished his aperitif and tasted the wine the waiter had produced
  5.You can taste the chilli in the dish but it is a little sweet.