求一分钟口语演讲词~you think people who have learned foreig

发布时间:2021-02-21 03:53:04

求一分钟口语演讲词~you think people who have learned foreign languages will look differently at things?这个题目让我不知道写什么好,请知道的帮忙.


Yes,I do think that people who have learned foreign languages will look differently at things.First of all,when they learn a new language,they've got to learn the cultures and customs as well which makes them to know more about the world.Once they've known different aspects of life,they might think and look at everything they used to look at differently.In other words,they break their own stereotypes.
If you ask me if people who have learned foreign languages will look differently at things.My anwer is No!
Here is my idea!
First ,Foreign languages are just languages in which we we just learn more,municate more from and with other cultures!
Second,for us whom were not born in foreign countries we have got too much influence with our own cultrue!Can we so easily be influnced by another one? Are we childish?
Third,people who have learnt foreign languages will better understand our own culture and will look at things more intensively,but not the same as the foreigners!
That's my points about it!Thank you all!
Yes, i think so.The people who have learned foreign languages will look differently at things.
First,foreign language learners will have more chance to explore the exotic world.And it is unavoidable to effect their thought so that the learners will have different view to things.
Second,the foreign languages open another window to look at the world because they can read the original version of the books.