


是小学课本里的 ()a boat 快点

paddle(row) a boat go的话是 go boating

你好!划船 row go 怎么样 boating paddle a boat

去划船 [qù huá chuán] 基本翻译 go boating go sailing 网络释义 去划船:go boating|go rowing|go boating / sailing 去划船和钓鱼:go rowing and fishing 去划船钓鱼:go 。

rowing 或者 boating例句:划船把我送到对岸去吧怎么。Row me across (the river).我们逆水划船。We were rowing against the current.你愿意和我们一起划船吗?Will you join us。

划船是用人力划桨使船只在水面前进的一项运动。按船只的类型分赛艇、皮艇和划艇3种。赛艇外形两头尖细如同织布的梭子,随着运动 员划水过程中的前倾(如邮票画面。

to row a boat! 怎样 地道的说法~~有一首著名的英文歌曲——划船歌; "row row row your boat, gently down the stream; merrily merrily merrily merrily life is a dream" "划划划。


划船可以说:row、row a boat 、go boating所以过去式分别是:rowed、rowed a boat、went boating

go boating|go rowing|go boating / sailing 如何 去划船和钓鱼:go rowing and fishing 去划船钓鱼去划船 [qù huá chuán] 基本翻译 go boating go sailing 网络释义 去划船

小船 dinghy ; sailing dinghy boat (用桨、帆或引擎推进的)小船,(小)艇 tender 。

小船被波浪吞没了。 The little boat was engulfed 如果 in the waves

轮船 [lún chuán] steamer; steamship; steamboat 短语:轮船提单 steamer bill of lading; 轮船载货清单 ship's manifest