despair attempt identify gaze at all over survive lie submissive help oneself

发布时间:2020-08-17 06:28:18

despair     attempt      identify       gaze at    all over    survive          lie         submissive      help oneself to    prefer
【小题1】He worked as hard as he could, but he failed in his      to win the first prize.
【小题2】The climber stood on top of the mountain,     the splendid view.
【小题3】When the Brazilian Team scored another goal before the end of the match, we knew it was     with the Italian Team.
【小题4】A: Did you watch the Mid-Night News on TV yesterday?
B: Yes, there was some news about Grace Cotton Mill.
A. It was badly run and its director     about sixty million yuan.
B. He won’t get away with it.
【小题5】He     to die rather than surrender to the enemy.
【小题6】The Great St. Bernard Pass      on the Swiss- Italian border.
【小题7】In China, in the 80’s the state-owned panies were more likely to      inthe marketplace.
【小题8】If you are     , you must obey others without arguing.
【小题9】As soon as I entered the room, an old friend of mine      me at once.
【小题10】 If you are in the depths of     , you are extremely unhappy.attempt 


【小题2】登山者站在山顶,目不转睛的看着壮丽的景色。目不转睛的看gazing at做伴随状语
【小题3】当巴西队又进了一个球在比赛的最后,我们知道意大利队完了。完了:all over
【小题4】主任挪用了6千万:“自取; 自助; 偷”用过去时helped himself to
【小题5】他宁愿死也不愿向敌人投降。Prefer sth to sth宁愿…而不愿…用一般过去式:preferred