. The education system was once the of the country, but now it seems to be.A. proud…in rui

发布时间:2020-08-17 06:28:12

. The education system was once the     of the country, but now it seems to be    .
A. proud…in ruin
B. pride…in ruins
C. remains…falling into ruin
D. wonder…fall into ruins


A. proud…in ruin
(答案→)B. pride…in ruins
C. remains…falling into ruin
D. wonder…fall into ruins
解析:考查名词和词组:句意:教育体系曾经是这个国家的骄傲,但是现在似乎严重受损。第一空填pride“骄傲”,proud是形容词,remains“残骸”,wonder“奇迹”,第二空填in ruins“严重受损,破败不堪”,fall into ruins“成为废墟”,选B。