
发布时间:2020-07-09 20:07:41



Legend Of Film Critics
  Pianist, I saw quite a few times, and each time playing hero superb way to attract.Pianist, I saw quite a few times, and each time playing hero superb way to attract.Until finally the piano on the tobacco burns, my emotions rise to the extreme, without reservation vent out.Fast approach, focused expression, quiet environment, everything always flashed in my mind again and again shocked to Heaven.
  Hero was born in the ship, grew up in the boat, and finally buried in the sea with the ship together. Lifetime, he had not been under the boat, even if only once, and he finally gave up. All the land so that he was afraid, I looked boundless land, can not see on the streets of tall buildings, he will cap off his head and thrown into the sea. The moment he gave up the idea because of love arise, to give up his love for the woman's.
  In the end, said it is regrettable. But this oute is the best pianist and his all back to the sea, because he was born in the sea, grew up in the sea.
  He is the little man know Legend Of -1,992参考资料:自己写的


1st January 1900, ship crew Danni picked up a abondonded baby on the piano inside the hall of the ship, and he named this baby 1900. 1900 grew up happily under the care and white lies of Danni. After the accidental death of Danni, 1900 came to the hall by chance and he saw the piano for the first time. Now, the legend of 1900 begins.
  Life is like the passangers on the boat, abroad, getting off aboard and getting off again, in this sequence. to 1900, there is nothing more about life. Although he lives on the sea, but he has looked through all the honour, lonliness, gain and fall of life amoung the men on the land around.
  at last, this talented man is going backto the sky, the heaven. Are there pianos in the heaven? at the time of the explosion of the ship, 1900 played his hands in the air, the beautiful fingers move as the background music flows, as if knocking on the doors to heaven.