《海上钢琴师》英文观后感,海上钢琴师 英语影评

发布时间:2020-07-09 20:07:46

《海上钢琴师》英文观后感,海上钢琴师 英语影评


It's a simple movie, with a simple story and a simple main character - and thats what makes this film so good. It wasn't made to be great and big; it just want to tell the story of a man who was left behind and raised in the Ocean. He never set foot on land and that's the only thing that makes him special. That and all its consequences. Visually the movie is beautiful and its a proof that special effects have nothing to do with a beautiful image - they are beautiful because you feel it. And it's a story that will make you want to meet the main character in person. The ending is wonderful and it's very well put (so hard to find a good ending these days). Tim Roth is excellent as 1900, but the two biggest actors in this movie are the "ship" and the "ocean". Both seem to have a life of their own. This is not only a movie that is worth to watch, it's a movie everybody should watch - it's the living proof that a movie doesn't have to be great to be good. In fact, it can be excellent.


Legend Of Film CriticsPianist, I saw quite a few times, and each time playing hero superb way to attract.Pianist, I saw quite a few times, and each time playing hero superb way to attract.Until finally the piano on the tobacco burns, my emotions rise to the extreme, without reservation vent out.Fast approach, focused expression, quiet environment, everything always flashed in my mind again and again shocked to Heaven.Hero was born in the ship, grew up in the boat, and finally buried in the sea with the ship together. Lifetime, he had not been under the boat, even if only once, and he finally gave up. All the land so that he was afraid, I looked boundless land, can not see on the streets of tall buildings, he will cap off his head and thrown into the sea. The moment he gave up the idea because of love arise, to give up his love for the woman's.In the end, said it is regrettable. But this oute is the best pianist and his all back to the sea, because he was born in the sea, grew up in the sea.He is the little man know Legend Of -1,992