endeavour和effort有什么区别,effort什么时候可数 什么时候不用?

发布时间:2020-07-10 09:59:27

endeavour和effort有什么区别,effort什么时候可数 什么时候不用?


  二、 词语解释及延伸:
  1. endeavour (可数和不可数名词, 尤指新的或创造性事物的))尽力,竭力,努力;(动词)尽力,竭力,努力; (动词词组)make an endeavour to do... (= endeavour to do... ) 尽力(竭力,努力)做......
  2. effort (可数和不可数名词)努力,气力,精力,吃力,费力, 费力的事, 困难的事, 劳神的事(通常指完成某特定任务所需付出的或大或小的努力,可指一次的努力,也可指坚持不懈的努力。);(动词词组)make an effort to do...努力(尽力,竭力)做......
  His first endeavours in the field were wedding films. 他初涉这个领域时做的是婚礼摄影。
  The production and consumption of goods and services is the ultimate aim of all economic endeavour. 生产并消费商品和服务是一切经济活动的终极目标。
  I will endeavour to arrange it. 我会尽力安排。
  The Captain seemed to make an endeavour to rise from the depths of hisastonishment, and get back to his face. 船长似乎竭力想从他震惊的深渊中挣扎起来,恢复脸上的表情。
  She took a deep breath and sat up slowly and with great effort. 她深吸一口气,费力地慢慢坐起身。
  Even carrying the camcorder while hiking in the forest was an effort. 在森林中徒步旅行时,即便带的是便携式摄像机也非常费力。
  With an effort she contained her irritation. 她努力强压住了怒火。
  He made no effort to hide his disappointment. 他毫不掩饰失望之情。
  When you came away you made a definite effort to mix. 你离开时一定要努力和大家搞好关系。


effort用法注意1 表示一般性的努力(即表泛指意义),通常是不可数名词。如: It’s a waste of time and effort. 那是浪费时间和精力。 His success depends upon effort and ability. 他是否成功取决于他的努力和能力。 This requires tremendous effort on the part of its people. 这要求它的人民做出巨大的努力。 若强调一次一次具体的努力,通常是可数名词,尤其与all, these等修饰语连用。如: All his efforts were of no avail. 他的努力都没有用。 With a great effort he jumped on. 他费劲跳了上来。 In spite of his efforts he failed. 他虽然做了努力,还是失败了。 His efforts this term have been most creditable. 他这学期的努力值得赞许。 But all these efforts ended in failure. 但所有这些努力都以失败而告终了。 Faced with such an arduous work, we must redouble our efforts. 面对这样艰巨的任务,我们必须加倍努力 effort用法注意2 其后接动词,通常用不定式,有时也用“at+动名词”。如: He made every effort to get [at getting] it. 他竭尽全力想得到它。 effort用法注意3 表示“作出努力”,通常 make an effort 这样的形式,该结构中的不定冠词(an)也可根据情况换成 another, every, one more, no 等限定词,但不能没有限定词。如: He decided to make one more effort. 他决定再作一次努力。 Every effort was made, but to no avail. 做了一切努力,但没有用。 She made every effort to be a good student. 她努力要做个好学生。 The team made a concerted effort to win the game. 队员们同心协力来打赢这场球。 【注】若没有限定词,effort 就应用复数。如The prisoner made efforts to escape, but he failed. 那个犯人企图越狱,但没有成功。你可以到奥威斯发展大厦29层进行学习。