
发布时间:2020-07-26 16:44:40

完形填空I ran into(偶然撞到) a stranger as he passed by. “I’m so sorry !”was my reply. Then he said, “Excuse me too. I wasn’t even1 you.” we were very polite, this stranger and I.2at home, we treat our loved ones differently. While I was cooking, my daughter came up to me quietly. When I turned, I nearly knocked(撞) her3. “Get out of the way!”I barked(咆哮). She ran away with her little heart broken. I didn’t realize how4I’d spoken.That night,as I lay awake in bed,God’s quiet voice spoke to me, “While5 with a stranger,you’re calm and polite, but with those you love, it’s easy for you to6. Go and look around on the kitchen floor. You’11 find some flowers there by the door. Those are the flowers she brought for you. She picked them herself. She stood there7, and you never saw the tears in her eyes.”By this time,I felt sad and my own tears had begun to8. I quietly went and knelt by her bed, “wake up, my dear,” I said,“ are these the flowers you picked for me?” I asked. She9,“ I found them out by the tree. I knew you’d like them.”I said, “I’m so sorry that I missed them today. And I shouldn’t have shouted at you that way.”She whispered,“ Mommy, that’s okay...I still love you10.”I hugged (拥抱)her.Are you aware that: if you die tomorrow, the pany that you are working for could easily replace you in a matter of days. But the family will feel the11 for the rest of their lives. We pour(倾注) ourselves more into our work12into our families—an unbalanced investment (投资)indeed.1.A.noticingB.knowingC.followingD.understanding2.A.AndB.SoC.AsD.But3.A.offB.downC.upD.at4.A.quietlyB.clearlyC.difficultlyD.cruelly(残酷地)5.A.dealingB.seeingC.arguingD.traveling6.A.fightB.exciteC.talkD.mistake7.A.quicklyB.excitedlyC.quietlyD.nervously8.A.eB.formC.fallD.fly9.A.addedB.criedC.smiledD.agreed10.A.seldomB.anywayC.howeverD.therefore11.A.lossB.troubleC.problemD.care12.A.sameB.moreC.asD.than


ADBDA BCCCB AD解析本文通过“我”在路上撞到一个陌生人而相互道歉的事,引申到“我”在家撞到女儿,却态度粗鲁而感到内疚去跟女儿道歉的故事,从而引出对家的含义不同的诠释。1.A根据句意可知,应该是注意到某人,故