
发布时间:2020-07-26 16:44:36

完形填空Miss Green was watching TV. Suddenly the program stopped. “Now we broadcast an important notice from the1: At about nine this evening, an old woman of 79, named Mrs. Humney, was2and killed by a robber wearing a green coat. Those who can supply any clue(线索) are requested to 3to the police.” The 4news made the lonely girl filled with 5. She couldn’t help looking around. But she didn’t 6that a man was already behind the door.Suddenly the man 7before Miss Green. The girl didn’t know what to 8. “Just put your necklace on the table, then I’11 9whether I shall be safe to stay here for the night.” said the robber. That made her even more terrified, but she tried to 10herself.Just then there came the whistle of a police car. Then 11the door bell. The man said with a pistol(手枪) 12the girl’s back, “Don’t 13the door. Never let him in.” But the girl got a(n) 14. She asked the man outside the door, “Who is it?” “I’m Bull. Is there15unusual here?” “No , there isn’t.” Immediately she added16, “Only 17and I are here.” “Good night.” Bull replied in the same loud voice.A few minutes later, the sound of the 18died away. “It’s well done,” the robber laughed. Almost at the same time the glass was 19into pieces. The policemen 20into the room and caught the robber.“Miss Green, what you said made us take action right away,” said Bull, “for we know that you have no brother.”1.A.policeB.governmentC.armyD.prison2.A.hitB.stolenC.robbedD.cheated3.A.announceB.informC.provideD.report4.A.terribleB.excitingC.strangeD.funny5.A.angerB.fearC.surpriseD.sadness6.A.feelB.observeC.hearD.notice7.A.cameB.appearedC.walkedD.ran8.A.sayB.makeC.doD.deal9.A.decideB.considerC.intendD.doubt10.A.protectB.scareC.freeD.calm11.A.touchedB.switchedC.rangD.struck12.A.againstB.atC.toD.on13.A.knockB.shutC.leanD.open14.A.beliefB.ideaC.helpD.voice15.A.anythingB.somethingC.anyoneD.someone16.A.excitedlyB.anxiouslyC.loudlyD.bravely17.A.my friendB.my neighborC.the robberD.my brother18.A.policemanB.police carC.robberD.footsteps19.A.turnedB.broughtC.brokenD.changed20.A.slippedB.wentC.fellD.hurried


ACDAB DBCBD CADBA CDBCD解析文章讲述的是一个女孩在家中遇到逃跑中的抢劫犯,在警察来查看的时候,巧妙告诉门外的警察,强盗在她家里,从而让警察抓住了强盗。1.上下文,根据下文新闻报道的抢劫案的内容可知,是来自警察。2.上下文。根据44空后面的the robber可知,这是强盗在抢劫钱财。3.句意理解,任何可以提供相关线索的人都应当向警察报告。Announce宣布 inform sb of sth 告知某人某事 provide提供4.形容词辨析,这是一个可怕的抢劫案。Exciting令人兴奋的 strange奇怪的 funny搞笑的5.上下文,根据She couldn’t help looking around可知,她非常害怕,禁不住环顾四周。6.句意理解,但是她没有注意到一个男人已经躲在了门后。7.句意理解,突然这个男人出现在她面前,她不知道该怎么办。8.同上9.句意理解,强盗说,我来考虑一下呆在这里过夜是否安全。10.句意理解,她很害怕,根据but可知,她在尽量让自己镇定下来。11.动词搭配,句意为然后门铃就响了。12.against the girl's back 意为顶在她的背后13.上下文理解,因为强盗害怕警察进来,所以是让女孩不要打开门。14.但是这个女孩突然有了一个主意。15.疑问句用anything,意为有什么不寻常的吗?16.上下文,根据Bull replied in the same loud voice可知,上文女孩用很大的声音回答。17.根据文章最后一句可知。18.上下文,根据上文Just then there came the whistle of a police car可知,是警察是开警车来的,所以此处指的是警察的车的声音消失了19.动词搭配,break into pieces 被打成碎片,指警察破窗而入20.意为警察冲进房间。