英语词语的正确形式33.It is reported that the construction o

发布时间:2021-02-21 09:30:22

英语词语的正确形式33.It is reported that the construction ofthe new subway (plete)


33 will be pleted
34 importance
35 had taken
36 were impressed
37 employers
38 solving
39 eqipment
40 worse
31 has been
你好,为你解答,33 will be pleted
34 importance
35 had taken
36 were impressed
37 employers
38 solving
39 equipment
40 worse
41 has been
33. It is reported that the construction of the new subway (plete)_will be pleted_ next month.
34. The manager stressed the(important) _ _importantance___ of developing a long-termstrategy for the pany.
35. If he (take)_had taken_ my advice at that time, he would have got thejob he applied for.
36. We (impress)_ were impressed___ by the high quality and fine workmanship of your products when we visited yourfactory.
37. Working from home is flexible and beneficial not only to the employees but also to the (employ)__ _employers__.
38. Only after they had performed hundred of experimentsdid they succeed in (solve)__solving__ the problem.
39. The local government has decided to spend more money on the (equip)_equipment _ of the hospitals in the rural area.
40.I tried to fix the puter myself, but that just made it (bad)_worse than I had expected
31. The pany (be)_has been_ in the land market since1990 and it is now taking the lead in this field.