success succeed successful的句型和,关于success的用法

发布时间:2020-07-10 17:28:23

success succeed successful的句型和,关于success的用法


success,名词 可数名词(成功的人或事); 不可数名词(成功)
  如He is a great success as a writer
   Failure is the mother of success
  succeed,不及物动词 succeed in doing sth
   如He succeeded in swimming across the river
  successful形容词 ,成功的
  如 He is a successful writer.


success为名词,既做可数名词也做不可数名词。当其作可数名词时,意思为成功,胜利,发财,成名,有以下短语:success in sth/doing sth have much(little etc.) success in sth the key to success meet with little success 。做不可数名词时,意思为,成功的人或事,make a success of sth。
  而succeed为动词,有四种意思,1,达到目的,实现目标,办到,做成,为不及物动词,用法:succeed in doing sth 2.成功,有成就,有作为,为不及物动词用法:succeed in sth succeed as sth 3.接替,继任,随后出现,为及物动词 如:Obama succeeded Bush as president.(奥巴马接任布什成为总统)。4.继承,为不及物动词,用法为:succeed to sth.如:She succeeded to the throne.她继承了王位。
  而successful为形容词,有两个意思,1.达到目的,有成效的。用法:be successful in sth/doing sth be successful at sth/doing sth 2.获得成功的,有成就的。如:a successful actor 有成就的演员。