【小题1】It won’t make much ddifference whether you go today or tomorrow. 【小题2】The magazine pp

发布时间:2020-08-16 22:10:57

【小题1】It won’t make much ddifference  whether you go today or tomorrow.   
【小题2】The magazine ppublished  a short story written by a high school student.
【小题3】In sspite  of all kinds of difficulties, he kept on doing the experiment.
【小题4】Mother has given me eendless  love all her life.
【小题5】At first he was oopposed  to our suggestion, but we eventually persuaded him.
【小题6】Time is pprecious , because if time is lost, it will never return.
【小题7】When I hurried to school, I was almost out of bbreath .
【小题8】Can you do me a ffavour  and tell me when to get off ?


【小题1】考查固定短语。make difference“有影响”。句意“你今天去还是昨天去,将不会有什么不同。”故填difference。
【小题3】考查固定短语。in spite of“尽管”。故填spite。
【小题5】考查固定搭配。be opposed to sth.“反对......”。故填opposed。
【小题7】考查固定短语。out of breath“气喘吁吁”。故填breath。
【小题8】考查固定短语。do sb. a favour“帮助某人”。故填favour。