My seat is next to of the famous writer so I could ask for some advice from him about wri

发布时间:2020-08-17 05:29:01

My seat is next to      of the famous writer so I could ask for some advice from him about writing.
A. that
B. this
C. it
D. one


(答案→)A. that
B. this
C. it
D. one
或不可数名词,表特指,此处替代the seat,且特指”那位名作家的座位”,故选A。one虽然也是替代同类异物,但是只替代可数名词,表泛指。It替代同类同物。句意:我的座位挨着那位著名作家的座位,因此我可以寻求关于写作方面的建议。