
发布时间:2020-07-26 14:55:11

完形填空Five years ago, when it was time for my cousin to start college, my 75-year-old grandfather, Rex, decided to do the same. He went to1, taking classes twice a week until his death last summer. As a student, my grandfather spent countless hours in his office2and pleting assignments. Although he was twice as3as his professors, he loved going. He said,“You can never4too much, no matter how old you are.”He loved everything about school. Learning new things was truly his passion.My grandfather’s will to learn was a great5for me to do my best in school. We were always6with each other, trying to bring home the better grade.When he turned 80 and still had a full head of hair, my grandfather felt like he could take on the7. He felt like he could beat the unstoppable no matter what came in his way---whether it was his continuing with cancer8a tough professor.Some people look to Superman or Batman as their9, but my grandfather will forever be my hero, the10who always came to my rescue. My grandfather was made the hall of fame(名人堂) at his high school as one of the school’s most successful football players. When I did some research I11that his nickname was Atlas. In Greek mythology(神话), Atlas held the heavens on his shoulders. For my grandfather’s football team, he was12Atlas, holding the team together. He was my Atlas too, as the foundation of our family.In my times of need he was always there to13me and celebrate my acplishments. I could count on him to help me out and stand by me. The strength he14with me will continue to hold me up as I forever keep his memory15in my heart and mind.1.A.collegeB.partyC.hospitalD.cinema2.A.teachingB.talkingC.studyingD.playing3.A.tallB.newC.thinD.old4.A.payB.knowC.thinkD.work5.A.exampleB.exerciseC.methodD.friend6.A.fightingB.jokingC.petingD.arguing7.A.worldB.countryC.cityD.class8.A.andB.orC.soD.but9.A.heroB.studentC.professorD.grandfather10.A.otherB.onlyC.oneD.same11.A.realizedB.rememberedC.discoveredD.recognized12.A.myB.hisC.theirD.our13.A.surpriseB.supplyC.warmD.support14.A.enjoyedB.sharedC.affordedD.kept15.A.aliveB.awakeC.aloneD.asleep


ACDBA CABAC CCDBA解析1.A:由前后文可以看出,my grandfather 应该是求学,所以应去college(大学)。2.C:studying含义为学习,前面提到作为学生主业应该是与学习相关,其他选项与此不符。3.D:爷爷与教授最大的差别应该是年龄,所以选old。本句含义是:尽管他的年龄是教授的两倍,……d选项更符合文章主题。4.B:know的含义是知道,学习就是为了知道更多的知识,其它选项与题意不符。5.A:example的含义是榜样,比其它选项更符合文章主题。6.C:同为学生我和爷爷的关系应该是比赛竞争的关系,其它选项说法不恰当。7.A: take on de含义是,承担;呈现;雇用;录用。这里表示爷爷不服老的精神。四个选项含义依次为世界、国家、城市、班级,A选项更能体现爷爷不服老的精神。8.B:whether……or是一组固定搭配,含义为是……还是。9.A:hero 含义是英雄,超人和蝙蝠侠应该是人民心目中的英雄。10.C:one经常用来代替前文中提到的某人。11.C:四个选项的含义分别是意识到、想起、发现、确认,discovered更符合题意。12.C:爷爷是属于整个球队的,站在我的角度来说就是第三人称复数。13.D:四个选项含义分别为使……吃惊、提供、温暖、支持,从前后文来看,爷爷对我更多的是支持。14.B:四个选项含义分别为享受、分享、提供、保持。其中enjoy更侧重享乐,我和爷爷分享的是精神力量,所以shared更为恰当。15.A:四个选项含义分别为活着的、醒着的、孤独的和睡着的,爷爷的精神应该是永生在我的心中,所以alive更为恰当。