
发布时间:2020-07-26 14:54:58

完形填空I have a love-hate relationship with1o’clock classes. I like to get2that early; most students don’t . They drag in late and look sleepy and3at that early hour.One day I got really angry with it. I was4about the topic (history of Indians),but no one else seemed to be. I moved5the classroom. I told stories and tries6. I got theatrical(表演似的). It was useless. Students’blank looks didn’t seem to7. I was about to start a major topic when I8down at my watch. It was already past the scheduled end of class. So I just ended9.Watching the students running out of the door, I10my books, notes and papers and stepped out into the hall. I was tired and a bit11. I had put everything I knew into that classroom12but it had seemed good for nothing. Then13I started across the hall, a student ing out of the back door of the classroom14me . It was Randy. I thought he wanted to ask15I didn’t have those test papers16or maybe he wanted17to hand in a late paper or …However , It was18of that. With his eyes sparking(闪亮). Randy said “This is the first time I’ve not19a college class to end. ”The tiredness lifted. I had done20than I thought. I don't know if Randy will ever40 how much he did for me that day.1.A.changedB.startedC.caughtD.asked2.A.dullB.lazyC.dirtyD.strange3.A.sureB.curiousC.excitedD.worried4.A.intoB.fromC.forwardD.about5.A.luckB.humorC.experimentD.success6.A.changeB.looseC.appearD.think7.A.brokeB.putC.tookD.glanced8.A.carelesslyB.hurriedlyC.suddenlyD.naturally9.A.got throughB.took awayC.picked upD.went over10.A.anxiousB.delightC.sickD.discouraged11.A.lessonB.discussionC.performanceD.content12.A.asB.becauseC.ifD.till13.A.ran afterB.shouted atC.got along withD.caught up with14.A.whenB.whyC.whetherD.who15.A.takenB.passedC.gradedD.checked16.A.excuseB.informationC.promiseD.permission17.A.noneB.nothingC.allD.anything18.A.attendedB.askedC.wantedD.chosen19.A.betterB.worseC.moreD.less20.A.careB.understandC.thinkD.forget

