
发布时间:2020-07-26 14:54:56

完形填空Although my father wasn't a doctor, he made his own brand of house calls. I followed him as he1a plate of my mother's home cooking to an elderly man named Frank2all major holidays, and when Frank was3. As far as I know, their only4was that Frank was an occasional5at Dad's small gas station. Frank's home was a two-room house on the rough side of town with a rotten front porch(门廊) that you could fall through if you weren't6. Through his caring7, my father was teaching me to be a doctor,8neither of us knew it at the time. When I was 13, my father9lung cancer. He brought home a10the doctor drew showing11his cancer was and told me that he was going to12. The big green oxygen tank with plastic tubing13a central feature (特征) of our living room next to his easy chair. Several months passed and his condition14. He asked me to15my mother when he was gone. He said, I love you, son. That night he died. When you're 13 and your father dies, you have some16to make. You can use the circumstance as a (n)17for letting your behavior and grades go down drain, or you can honor his memory and try to do something18with yourself. I19my energy on my school work and my goal of being a20..1.A.lentB.broughtC.boughtD.showed2.A.forB.inC.atD.on3.A.happyB.wellC.sickD.homesick4.A.functionB.connectionC.informationD.instruction5.A.patientB.doctorC.customerD.passenger6.A.carefulB.strongC.reasonableD.punctual7.A.wordsB.attitudeC.attentionD.appearance8.A.andB.becauseC.althoughD.as9.A.developedB.foundC.constructedD.recovered10.A.photoB.diagramC.reportD.film11.A.whereB.howC.whichD.what12.A.restB.retireC.dieD.leave13.A.decoratedB.remainedC.equippedD.became14.A.worsenedB.decreasedC.increasedD.bettered15.A.take care ofB.make friends withC.make up forD.look into16.A.mistakesB.friendsC.choicesD.changes17.A.reasonB.guideC.causeD.excuse18.A.positiveB.activeC.productiveD.motive19.A.attractedB.consumedC.focusedD.depended20.A.doctorB.driverC.teacherD.nurse

