
发布时间:2020-07-26 16:44:42

完形填空Mr. West intended to buy his wife a Christmas present, but he was always very busy, so he was never1to find time to go to the shops. At last, when it was the week2Christmas, and the shops were very crowded, he3that he could not wait any longer. He worked in an office, and4had lunch in a restaurant, but one day he bought some sandwiches, ate them quickly and went out to a big shop near his office during his lunch5.The shop was full of women, who were also buying presents during their lunch hour.Mr. West stood politely at the edge(边)of a crowd of women who were6forward to try to get to the people who were7necklaces and earrings. He tried to move forward slowly, taking his turn with the others, but more and more women were 8 into the shop the whole time and pushing selfishly past him.After half an hour, he was just as far from the people who were selling the necklaces as he had been9he came in, and his lunch hour was ing to an end, so he decided to change his10of doing things: he put his head down,11a sudden loud shout and started to push his way towards the12of the crowd as hard as he could.The women around him became very13when they saw what he was doing, and began to scold him.” Why can’t you behave like a gentleman?” they shouted.“Ladies,” he14them,” I have been behaving like a gentleman for the past half hour, and it has done me no15,so now I am starting to behave like a lady!”1.A.sureB.certainC.ableD.possible2.A.beforeB.afterC.tillD.within3.A.promisedB.decidedC.agreedD.insisted4.A.neverB.sometimesC.seldomD.usually5.A.hourB.momentC.minuteD.second6.A.pullingB.pushingC.gatheringD.managing7.A.sellingB.buyingC.choosingD.seizing8.A.goingB.enteringC.fetchingD.ing9.A.whereB.untilC.whenD.even if10.A.habitB.wayC.actionD.sign11.A.caughtB.madeC.blewD.gave12.A.centerB.endC.frontD.back13.A.patientB.angryC.surprisedD.nervous14.A.hatedB.wavedC.explainedD.answered15.A.treasureB.goodC.respectD.present


CABDA BADCB DCBDB解析本篇文章是讲述了一个幽默的小故事。在解题时一定要注意上下文的联系。1.推理题;根据上文的he was always very busy推断出他不能够找出时间。2.常识题;一定是在圣诞节之前给妻子买礼物。3.词义辨析;根据句意得知应该是他决定不能在等待了。4.考查副词词义辨析;根据句意:通常在一家餐厅吃午饭。5.名词辨析;对于吃午饭来说BCD的时间都太短,不符合常理。6.动词辨析;根据上下文得知那群妇女拥挤着向前买东西。7.动词辨析;who were  40 necklaces and earrings.修饰前面的the people,应该是卖项链和耳环。8.词组辨析;enter是接物动词,后面不要into;越来越多的妇女进入商店,应该选择e into.9.考查时间状语从句.句意:半小时以后他还在他刚刚进来时的地方。10.名词意义辨析。改变做事的方法。11.考查动词。发出突然的大叫声。12.逻辑推理题。他想给老婆买礼物,肯定是向前挤向柜台。13.逻辑推理;看到他这样粗鲁的行为,其他的人看到一定很生气。14.面对别人的质问,他肯定是回答。15.固定词组do sb no good意为:对某人没有好处。