

您好:Learning English 关键词为空! Is Not Difficult I have learned English for about 5 years. To be honest, learning English is not as difficult as you thought. The only thing you should 。

English is the most popular language in 关键词为空! the world, and it is also most 关键词为空! widely spoken of all the language. It is mother tongue in many important countries, such as the USA,。

wang liqin is my favorite sports star. he is a professional table tennis player. he was born in shanghai in june,1976. he is very tall. he is 1.86 meters tall. he began to play 。



1) Spring Festival Spring Festival is 关键词为空!the most important festival in China .In the 。 4).English in my eyes 我眼中的英语 Now ,English is beming more and more impotant 。.

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A happy Day It was sunny and very hot today. I got up early and helped my parents cook breakfast. Then I washed the dishes and cleaned the room. After a short rest I did my 。

Nowadays,the English is being more and more important . There are many different ways to learn English well. For example, these are my ways to study English. First,we 。