


不客气 英语:You are wele


不客气: you're wele;you are wele;make oneself at home;you're wele you're wele

可以直接说"wele" 么? "not at all" 和"you are wele"的区别是?

说不客气是:You're wele wele的直接单独说是欢迎,不是不客气的意思 ,不客气的英文是You're wele , Don't mention it。Not at all是口语中一个十分常见的表。


不客气 1.to be rude to; to be hard on; to be unkind2.frank; candid; straight forward3.[Polite] you're wele; don't 怎么样mention it; my pleasure4.unkindly5.unkindness

1.You are very wele. (尤啊外瑞味儿康木) 不客气 (最常用)2.Don't mention it. (洞特门藤一特) 怎样 不用客气

谢谢thank you 不用谢,没关系,不客气no problem

You're wele。Don't mention it.It's my pleasure。都是很常用的。(特殊场景,比如朋友到你家做客说了谢谢,你还如果 可以说Make yourself at home;也翻译成不客气)

not at all

可以直接说"wele" 么?"not at all" 和"you are wele"的区别是?

不可以这些都是"没关系"的意思,但怎么可以根据语境的不同选择不同的短句. "You are wele"是"你不要客气"的意思,一般在对方很友好的道谢的时候回答. "That 。

“不客气”主要有两种说法: You are wele. 不客气。 Don't mention that. 不客气。 Not at all.也是但现在不流行了。 Not at all how to say 那个不对。 英语国家中想表示。