A: What’s wrong with you, Tom? You look upset today. 【小题1】B: No, Mum, but…A:【小题2】B: Well.

发布时间:2020-08-17 07:19:02

A: What’s wrong with you, Tom? You look upset today. 【小题1】    
B: No, Mum, but…
B: Well. What shall I do? I happened to break a window in Mr. Henry’s house.
A: Oh, did you apologize to Mr. Henry?
A: Come on, dear, please tell me the truth.
B: Paul and I were together.【小题4】    
A: You shouldn’t have done that.
B: I know, but I daren’t phone Mr. Henry. And I’m also very sorry for Paul.
A:【小题5】     Then you’d better hurry to see Paul. Give him back the money and if you like, invite him to tea tomorrow.
B: I will do as you say.G 


【小题1】G 根据下文的回答“No”我们知道这儿只能选一般疑问句,所以只能在F和G两个选项中筛选。结合上文“汤姆,你怎么了?你今天看上去有点局促不安嘛”,所以下文母亲应该是关切地问“出事啦?”
【小题2】D 根据上文儿子“吞吞吐吐”的样子,母亲就要“鼓励孩子说出真相”,故选D项。
【小题3】C 根据下文“Come on, dear, please tell me the truth.”说明孩子这儿一欲言又止,故选C项。
【小题4】E 根据下面对话可知“儿子”溜走了,帕尔被逮住了,不得不赔偿人家的损失。故选E项。
【小题5】A 上文已经说“对不起帕尔”,但是母亲认为还不够,必须向亨利先生当面道歉并去看望帕尔等。故选A。