
发布时间:2020-07-08 23:49:46

How to improve my English?? 英文作文270字..听日交, 真是好急~~有二十点!!!


发问者~您好<br>英文作文270字 :<br>唉, 好心自己作啦~~~<br>哪, 大钢在此~~<br>How to improve English 20 marks:-<br>----First I am not interested in English at all in primary school; but in DSE secondary it is starting to devour by hatred and jealousy to possess me pletely ; taken up my attention whether I find it boring and hard in the past. I think you would think the same!<br>-----I would advice you to take the initiative (=decision) to learn and get close to it (=English)<br>-----Learn for yourself in persistence (n)/persistently (adv)/continuingly(adverb):-<br>-----(A) Go and get at the bookstore some supplementary exercises. Take the initiative to ask the shopkeeper !---------------------------(writing)<br>-----(B) Go and get at the school library some elementary Oxford Readers !---------------------------------------------------------------------------(reading)<br>-----(C)Sometimes you can watch English language TV !--------------(listening)<br>-----(D) Interacting (=effect on each other) more with "foreign devils"----------------------------------------------------------<br>https://hk.knowledge.yahoo./question/question;_ylt=A3eg.w51g7dUJ3wAIucfoolQ?qid=7014090600047<br>希望帮到你!!!!<br>其他回答者请勿抄袭,其他网友请勿检举本答案