
发布时间:2020-07-08 23:49:42

There are many people from Islamic Republic of Pakistan. 假设好多居住在香港既巴基斯坦人去左旅行,佢地持有行街纸,想问问我用现在式对不对。


<br>The simple present is used here in adverb clauses of time and condition,according to your posting.<br>eg:-The Pakistans will be extradited today when the Authorities act.<br><br>eg:-There are many people from Islamic Republic ofPakistan extradite today.<br>It means, under treaty of foreign fugitive from justic to authorities concerned (=HK--->Pakistan),they are extradited today.<br><br>This is an euphemism to substitute of mild terms for blunt one,in this instancePakistans go to picnic to Pakistan with their alternate ID cards of HKG.


你呢个问题, 本身是有问题既.<br><br>首先, 你讲既范围大到以香港黎计, 那么用 "many" 就非常值得商榷, many 即是几多? 70%? 80%? 90%? 定是其他? <br><br>* 而无论几多个 % 都好, 你又知道全香港有几多巴人, 有几多出左去旅行??<br><br>*** 所以, 呢的都是无意义既陈述同深究, 简单用返你果句 There are many people from Islamic Republic of Pakistan. 除非, 你讲到全部巴人都被驱逐呢的那么极端既例子.<br><br>而如果, 你既例子缩少到一个学校, 一个班级, 甚至一个家庭, 先有深究既意义.<br><br>p.s. 英文不过是语言既一种, 无必要太钻牛角尖. <p>参考资料: 自己