英语翻译The Absent-Minded Me I will tell you a story o

发布时间:2021-02-23 22:24:12

英语翻译The Absent-Minded Me I will tell you a story of what happened to me When my father once lent me his car.Of all the foolish things that I've ever done,This was the most foolish,by far.We arrived at


The Absent-Minded Me
I will tell you a story of what happened to me
When my father once lent me his car.
Of all the foolish things that I've ever done,
This was the most foolish,by far.
We arrived at the school,my brother and I,
And I put the car keys away.
I was feeling quite lucky as I started
起初的时候我为这感到庆幸To go to my claases that day.
(因为可以开车)那天我可以(开车)去学校.But at some point in time,
但是在某个时间 For some reason I pletely forgot
我彻底的忘记了That the car I had driven to school
我所开到学校的那部车Was still parked in the lot.
仍然停在那个地段When at last the long school day was over
当学校里漫长的一天结束后I walked out the back with a shout,
我往回走的时候后面有人朝我大喊And continued,while talking with my good friend,
当我和朋友说话的时候,(哪个声音)一直在喊,To walk home on my usual route.
我就象平时一样走路回家I entered the house and asked, Dad,where's your car?
我走进房间问:爸爸,您的车呢?I have a meeting