
发布时间:2020-08-04 16:23:24

Viscount(子爵)Montgomery, the famous British mander, was born in Bemaid Law Montgomery in 1887 and fought in both world wars.In World War I he was only an ordinary soldier, who rose to the rank of captain.It was during World War Ⅱ that he really shone-manded the British army in many of the important battles of the war and later in North Africa, then in Nomiady, and finally in Germany.After the war he was made a nobleman but people continued to refer to him as Monty, once a reporter asked him,“Who do you think were the three greatest manders in history?”Replied Monty, without a moment's hesitation,“The other two were Alexander the Great and Napoleon.”Why do you think people called Viscount Montgomery“Monty”?A.Because he was famous.B.Because he was a nobleman.C.Probably because people liked and respected him.D.Probably because people did not quite respect him.


C解析该文介绍的是第二次世界大战的风云人物蒙哥马利元帅,在他显赫之后,老百姓仍叫他Monty, Monty是蒙哥马利的昵称。这种叫法充分表现了老百姓对他的好感。故应选C。如果不深入思考全文的内涵,简单地认为这是对大人物的不尊敬,可能会误选D项。