
发布时间:2020-08-04 08:35:19

—The hall      for international conferences is of great importance.—I see, and we are sure to plete it on time.A.builtB.to be builtC.having been builtD.building


B解析试题分析:句子主干为:The hall is of great importance。be of great importance = be very important,主语the hall 后为非谓语动词短语作后置定语。因the hall 与动词build 之间为被动关系,首先排除 B,从答句中的...we are sure to plete it on time 可知该大厅还没有完工,因此排除表示“被动完成”的A、C 两项,而选表示“未来将完成”的不定式的被动式。考点:考查不定式的被动做定语点评;非谓语作定语含义不一样:done做定语,表示被动和完成; being done做定语,表示被动和进行; to be done做定语,表示被动和将来。