写出10句Building A is taller than Building .B之类的

发布时间:2021-02-22 22:43:26

写出10句Building A is taller than Building .B之类的


Better safe than sorry.
Bad news travels fast.
better late than never
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Blood is thicher than water
Barking dogs seldom bite
Better a live coward than a dead hero
Beggars cant be choosers
Birds of a feather flock together
Tom is fatter than Mark. 汤姆比马克胖。
Today is hotter than Yestday. 今天比昨天热。
LiuXiang is stronger than me. 刘翔比我壮。
The sun is bigger than the moon. 太阳比月亮大。
His English is better than mine. 他的英语比我好。
My car is cheaper than her car. 我的汽车比她的便宜。
My head is bigger than your. 我的头比你的头大。
My bike is older than his. 我的自行车比他的旧。
His ruler is longer than her ruler. 她的尺比我的长。
Mike jumps higer than Tom.麦克跳的比汤姆高。