I have never met a successful person who wasn’t 100% prepared. Once you realize the advant

发布时间:2020-08-17 11:54:37

I have never met a successful person who wasn’t 100% prepared. Once you realize the advantage that exceptional     21     gives, it bees a lifelong habit.
Ivan Lendl is a typical example. He has thought about every side to his game, _22     it is playing plan against an opponent, or his diet, or fitness program. But what really     23     me was when he told me he also knew the airline and flight number he was taking to the city in question. That is the way he     24     everything. It is one element that has made him a champion.
One reason many of us aren’t prepared is that we rarely appreciate it. And if anyone does find out we have prepared carefully to make certain we     25     our goal, we may well be laughed at. In fact, many people are afraid to be prepared: if they are, they lose an excellent _26    when they fail.
In sport, you meet athletes who let it be known they are not in top condition for a petition. It     27     the pressure. If they lose, they were not at their best. If they win, they go beyond everyone’s     28    . This is a classic 50% solution: you win some, you lose some. Then there are the people who do their preparation in public. They constantly tell you how hard they are working. That way, if they fail, it is not because they did not try. This is the 75% solution: prepare well, give it your best, let things turn out as they will.
The very best performers,     29     , spend hidden hours to make sure that they are No. 1. They don’t need or want the world to see them sweat. This is the 110% solution: First determine the     30     result. Then calculate your effort.
21       A. chance            B. possibility         c. preparation         D. ambition
22       A. whether       B. when                c. whatever            D. if
23       A. amused           B. delighted           c. astonished          D. confused
24       A. works out     B. deals with          c. gets to         D. acts as
25       A. acquire            B. achieve             c. possess               D. have
26       A. reason             B. explanation        c. prediction          D. excuse
27       A. relieves           B. releases             c. rejects                D. regulates
28       A. expectations     B. wishes           c. ideas                  D. opinions
29       A. yet                B. however        c. besides               D. furthermore
30       A. desired            B. acquired            c. admired             D. prepared21-30  CACBB DAABA 


(答案→)21-30  CACBB DAABA 
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