—It’s reported that more than 20 people have died of H7N9 so far.—.A. It doesn’t matterB.

发布时间:2020-08-23 02:05:28

—It’s reported that more than 20 people have died of H7N9 so far.
—    .
A. It doesn’t matter
B. Sounds sad
C. Never mind
D. I’m afraid so


A. It doesn’t matter
(答案→)B. Sounds sad
C. Never mind
D. I’m afraid so
解析:It doesn’t matter没关系;sounds sad听起来很伤心;Never mind 别介意;I’m afraid so恐怕如此。根据上文,据报道,到目前为止已有超过20人死于H7N9流感。结合语境可知选B。