对初中三年的展望 作文600字,求一篇展望2013英语作文 要用英语写、240字左右

发布时间:2020-07-11 14:00:22

对初中三年的展望 作文600字,求一篇展望2013英语作文 要用英语写、240字左右


岁月是天空中陨石的悄然滑落,虽说只是一瞬间,却展示了一道最美的弧线;时间是顽皮的精灵,带走了相伴与相随,却将最美的回忆留下 ——题记时光飞逝,转眼间初中生活已经谢幕,伴随我们三年的故事也已经在末尾画上了一个句号,虽每当忆起,仍有些不舍,有些牵挂,但终究已经过去,不能再回首……只能珍惜现在拥有的一切!时光精灵带走了三年相伴的岁月,却留下了最难忘的回忆……回忆中那,酸、甜、苦、涩的百般滋味,依旧难以忘怀!三年的生活,有欢声和笑语,有汗水和泪水,也有成功和失败,但这三年的时光我们都共同走过……提起笔来,回想过去,却不知该如何下笔,那么长的时间,那么多的故事,仿佛昨天才流逝。闭上双眸,似乎又听到运动会场上呐喊、欢呼的声音,操场上整齐响亮的口号,仿佛又回到烈日下的军训生活,实验基地里的合作,……一幕幕都那么真切,清楚,好像发生在昨天,如不是亲身经历过,又怎能信这时间速度之快…… 抬起头,仰望连天,回忆起那一张张笑脸,和那一个个故事——这些故事,有些幼稚,有些遗憾,有些甘甜,也有些苦涩,但回想起来,总感觉到一份温暖!虽舍不得这曾经一切的一切,可谁又能左右时间,谁又能控制生活,人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全……无法让时光倒流,无法让百川江水向西流,只能默默的祝福每一个人都会幸福快乐!三年生活已经谢幕,故事也已经有了结局,时光精灵将岁月带走,却懂得将记忆留下——留下最珍贵的回忆!仰望天空三十度,不要让泪水流下……希望明天,我们每一个人会更坚强,快乐祝福每一个人!


We have entered the year of 2013. There will be new stories for the new year but there will not be a day spcified by some people as the doomsday, at least not at the moment. In this year I am looking forward to passing the final examination successfully. I expect to get a place from one of my favorite universities, which are Harvard University, Yale University, MIT, Cambridge University and Oxford University. I will be studying business in one of these universities. Although it will cost us a lot of money, it worth the money. Anyway my parents have already saved much more than I need. There will be no problem for my study abroard for 5-8 year as my Dad has told me so. My Dad has a very good job and it is very hopeful he will be promoted to a higher position in the new year. So the year 2013 should be promising one for me. The only problem is my English is still not as good as it should be. I have to e to Baidu to search for all different kinds of help. The question worries me a lot is I can never get someone to set the examination for me, even I would like to pay for that and they are willing to do so. This is a biggest headache of this year and I have to do my best to sort it out.(ztlthb)