he wants to say is great an effort he has made to help her out. A. That; howB. What; wha

发布时间:2020-08-17 01:03:52

     he wants to say is      great an effort he has made to help her out.
A. That; how
B. What; what
C. What; how
D. What; that


A. That; how
B. What; what
(答案→)C. What; how
D. What; that
解析:考查名词性从句的连接词。第一空what he wants to say是一个主语从句,what引导起这个主语从句,并在句中作为say的宾语;第二空是有how引导的表语从句how great an effort he has made to help her out. 其中的How修饰great.句意:他想说的是,他花了多大的努力才帮助她摆脱了困境。故C正确。