Keep up a good state of mind even if you fail plenty of times.A. mustB. will C. canD. sh

发布时间:2020-08-17 08:23:49

Keep up a good state of mind even if you      fail plenty of times.
A. must
B. will
C. can
D. should


A. must
B. will
C. can
(答案→)D. should
解析:考查情态动词。B 和 C 虽然有“判断”的情态动词含义,但在这样一个建议性的句子里并不适用。鲜见有人这么用。D 含有“probability or expectation”的意思,表示“即便....... 正合题意。句意:即使你失败多次,你也要记住保持良好的心态。故D正确。