So why has English changed ­­【小题1】? Actually all languages change and develop when

发布时间:2020-08-17 06:41:34

So why has English changed ­­    【小题1】    ? Actually all languages change and develop when cultures meet and     【小题2】     each other. At first the English spoken in England between about AD 450 and 1150 was very     【小题3】     the English spoken today. It was    【小题4】     German than the English we speak     【小题5】    . Then     【小题6】     between about AD 800 and 1150, English became     【小题7】    German because those who ruled England spoke first Danish and later French. These new settlers     【小题8】    the English language and     【小题9】     its vocabulary. So by the 1600’s Shakespeare was able to     【小题10】     a wider vocabulary than ever before. In 1620 some British settlers moved to America. Later in the 18th century some British people were taken to Australia too. English began to be spoken in both countries.over time 


(答案→)over time 
【小题1】over time 本句是指随着时间,英语发生着变化。Over time是一个介词短语,表示随着时间的变化。
【小题2】 municate with 固定搭配municate with与…交流。其中的municate是一个不及物动词。
【小题3】different from 固定搭配be different from…与…不同;形容词different与介词from连用。
【小题4】 based more on 固定搭配be based on…以…为基础。因为后面有than,说明这里使用比较级的形式,故使用more。
【小题5】at present 它是以德语而不是我们今天所讲的英语为基础的。At present目前,现在。
【小题6】 gradually 本句讲述的英语变化的过程,是渐渐地,渐进的过程,故使用副词gradually.
【小题7】less like 这些新的规则和英语的规则不一样。
【小题8】enriched 动词enrich丰富;是由形容词rich加上前缀en转换而成。
【小题9】especially 本句表示尤其在词汇方面的变化更大。
【小题10】 make use of正是因为词汇的变化很大,所以莎士比亚才可以运用多种词汇。