Don’t use your cellphone — we are flying at altitude of 10,000 meters and average speech

发布时间:2020-08-17 03:45:56

Don’t use your cellphone — we are flying at      altitude of 10,000 meters and     average speech is 678km/h.
A. an; the
B. the; the
C. the; an
D. an; an


(答案→)A. an; the
B. the; the
C. the; an
D. an; an
解析:句意:不要使用手机—我们现在正在1000米的高空飞翔,平均速度是678km/h. altitude元音音素发音,表示海拔多高时用不定冠词an,第二空用the表示特指飞机的速度,故选A