-----Have you heard that he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature last year?-. He

发布时间:2020-08-17 03:45:45

-----Have you heard that he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature last year?
----     . He has made a positive contribution to that field.
A. Congratulations!
B. You must be joking.
C. By no means!
D. He deserves it.


A. Congratulations!
B. You must be joking.
C. By no means!
(答案→)D. He deserves it.
解析:考查交际用语:A. Congratulations!祝贺B. You must be joking.你一定是在开玩笑, C. By no means!绝不D.  He deserves it.他应得的,句意:--你听说他去年获得诺贝尔文学奖吗?--他应该得到,对这个领域他做出了很大的贡献。选D。