
发布时间:2020-07-26 15:24:57

阅读理解Colours often have different meanings in different cultures. In the U.S., people have found the following to be true.BlackBlack is the colour of power. It is also popular in fashion because it makes people appear thinner.WhiteWhite is the symbol of purity. White is thought to be a summer colour. However, white shows dirt and is more difficult to keep clean than other colours.RedThis is the most exciting colour. Red furniture (家具) should look very good since it will attract a lot of attention. Red cars are the thieves’ favourite. Red is often used in restaurants because it is an appetite (食欲) stimulant. This means it can make people eat more.BlueBlue is the colour of the sky and the ocean. Peaceful blue is often used in bedrooms. Studies show that weightlifters are able to lift heavier weights in blue gyms.GreenGreen represents nature. It is the easiest colour on the eye. Hospitals often use green because it relaxes patients.YellowSunny yellow is a cheerful colour, yet people lose their tempers (发脾气) more often in yellow rooms, and babies cry more.1.Which colour is a summer colour?A.Blue.B.White.C.Green.D.Red.2.The underlined word “stimulant” means “______”.A.刺激物B.防腐剂C.辐射物D.装饰品3.Where is colour red often used?A.In bedrooms.B.In gyms.C.In hospitals.D.In restaurants.4.What does the underlined sentence mean?A.It is the easiest colour for people to find.B.It is the most fortable colour for eyes.C.People can remember it more easily.D.It can improve our eyesight.5.Which of the following statements is TRUE, according to the passage?A.White can make people eat more.B.Blue can make patients feel more relaxed.C.People can get angry easily in yellow rooms.D.Black cars are popular among thieves.


BADBC解析1.根据文章内容White is the symbol of purity. White is thought to be a summer colour可知