
发布时间:2021-02-22 18:57:24



Dear aunty,
We are so happy to receive your mail and the pictures.Grandma said the cousin looks so cute in the picture. Does he know how to play guitar?Could you send us his sister's picture next time?
How is everybody in the family? How about my cousins, do they behave themselves? We are all fine.We just miss you a lot.Right now I am on my summer vacation. As I didn't do so well at school last year, I have to do some remedial work everyday. I will try very hard. I am big enough to take care of myself now.I have picked a geography course which according to grandma, was your favorite subjet, too. I would like to be an accountant in the future.
Please say hello to everybody in the family.
Take care
Dear Aunti:
I recieved your mail with thanks.
Our grandmother saw the pictures. My brother-in-law is so lovely and I wonder wether he can play guitar. And I really hope next time we can also recieve the sister-in-law's pictures too. That will be great!
Everyone in my family is going on well now and all of us miss you so much. Is everything ok in your side? Are my brother and sister-in law poppets?
I am in my summer holiday now and study at home. The achievement of last term was not as good as I had expected. Anyway, I will do as better as I can in future. I have already chosen geography as a accessorial lesson which I learned from grandmother that you have the same choice before. But for my most favorite and also my ideal, I like Accounting so much and I wish I could be a accountant in future.
Best regards and all best wishes for your family.
Your nephew
楼上的,brother in law 是姐(妹)夫,不是表弟
Sister in law 是嫂子(弟妹)
Dear Auntie,
We are so happy to receive your letter.
We all miss you so much. How are you?
Don’t worry about us, we are all fine.
Grandma has seen the photo. Cousin (最好写你表弟的名字,表妹也一样,外国人的习惯,更亲切) looked so cute, does he play guitar? Could you send us his sister’s picture next time as well? Do these two naughty kids behaved well?
My summer holiday has just started and I’m going to revise in the holiday. I didn’t do that well as I expected last term so I got to work hard to get a better result next time. I chose geography for next year. According to what Grandma said, you did the same when you were at my age. I’m quite like you, am I?
I really want to be an accountant after I finish school. I don’t know if my parent going to agree with me. Do