用下列单词或短语的适当形式填空(每小题1分,满分10分)。sympathetictemperament intense prolific channel go too f

发布时间:2020-08-17 03:48:48

sympathetic  temperament     intense     prolific     channel go too far  
blunt       delete        specific     intricately
【小题1】If you make a mistake, use the      button to erase backwards.
【小题2】I think you guys      by saying he is selfish before other guys.
【小题3】These early works evidence van Gogh's      desire to express the misery and poverty of humanity as he saw it among the miners in Belgium.
【小题4】This report offered the most     and accurate description of the problems.
【小题5】The     writer wrote a large number of novels.
【小题6】Water is     through a series of irrigation canals.
【小题7】Under the care of a      doctor, whose portrait he painted (Dr Gachet,1890), van Gogh spent three months at Auvers.
【小题8】A whole lot of     carved sculptures are displayed in the British Museum.
【小题9】Julian's     words hurt me.
【小题10】Born in 1853, van Gogh was the son of a Dutch Protestant minister. Early in life he displayed a moody      that was to thwart his every pursuit.delete 


【小题1】delete 名词删除,当你犯错的时候,使用删除键来擦掉痕迹。
【小题2】go too far 固定搭配做得过分,走得太远。
【小题3】intense 形容词热情的intense,在本句中修饰名词desire。
【小题4】specific 形容词明确的,具体的specific,这个报告里给出了最明确,具体的对问题的描述。
【小题5】prolific 形容词  prolific 多产的,众多的.指这位产品众多的作家。
【小题6】channel(l)ed 动词channel引导,开到,形成河道。通过一系列的灌溉运河水被引导过来。
【小题7】 sympathetic 形容词sympathetic富有同情心的,在这位富有同情心的医生的照顾之下。
【小题8】 intricately 形容词复杂的intricately,本题用了修饰后面的名词carved sculptures。
【小题9】blunt 形容词直率的,直言不讳的blunt,Julian直言不讳的话伤害了我。
【小题10】 temperament 名词性格,气质temperament。本句中的moody temperament指喜怒无常的性格。