你参加了学校的旅游兴趣小组,在汇报课上,各小组成员要介绍一个独具魅力的城市,以下是你搜集到的关于香港的信息。基本信息靠近广东省南端, 西邻澳门, 以旅游、美食、购物、影视等闻名地方

发布时间:2020-08-17 03:42:04

靠近广东省南端, 西邻澳门, 以旅游、美食、购物、影视等闻名
1.汇聚来自世界各地的名牌, 是购物的理想胜地;
2.在众多著名旅游景点, 如迪士尼乐园, 海洋公园, 南丫岛等, 是人们休闲度假的好去处;
3.在香港人开设的餐厅, 游客可以以实惠的价格品尝地方美食;
4.香港人富有创造力和热情, 他们用智慧和勤劳的双手创造美好的将来。
参考词汇:澳门 Macao南丫岛 Lemma Island
请根据以上表格内容, 介绍香港的有关情况。
句子结构准确, 信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。Hong Kong, a city situated close to the south of Guangdong and to the east of Macao, is famous for traveling, food, shopping and film industry as well. In this modern city, there are various kinds of brands from all over the world for people to choose from, which makes Hong Kong an ideal place for shopping. 


(答案→)Hong Kong, a city situated close to the south of Guangdong and to the east of Macao, is famous for traveling, food, shopping and film industry as well. In this modern city, there are various kinds of brands from all over the world for people to choose from, which makes Hong Kong an ideal place for shopping. 