
发布时间:2019-08-08 13:48:55



Look at this country, people seems to be provided with everything, so many to choose from. The vending machines line up with almost filled up the whole footpath. The convenient stores, hanburger shops, ready- to-go lunch shops, beefball shops, coffee shops, noddle stores, fast food outlets, and Janpanese, Chinese and westen style familiy restaurants. And if you take a look at the supermarkets or DEPACHIKA(地下商场【日】), basement stores, department stores, you can pick up individually wrapped prepared food or neat packets of fresh meat and vegetables. Just take them home, pop them in the microwave and then they're ready to eat, no need for dishes. And of course you can buy tea or liquid in pet pots or cans, just put straws in. There're no dishes at all. Quickness, wealth and convenience, they've got everything in Japan. Well, we found a restaurant so unique, in the downtown part of this country, SHIOMACHI(塩町). Here, they strictly maintain the old fashion way, nothing quick or convenient about it. Will this restaraunt unfortunatly be a victim of a fast pace changing world? Hopefully not.