根据描述为下列人物选择应该借鉴文章中的哪条建议(将相应数字序号填在横线上)How to Make Friends1. It’s hard to make friends if yo

发布时间:2020-08-21 19:16:42

How to Make Friends
1. It’s hard to make friends if you stay home alone all the time. Get out of the house and do things that will put you in touch with other people. Join a club or play a sport. Attend meetings or other groups. It’s easier to make friends when you have similar interests.
2. Learn from people who seem to have lots of friends. Watch carefully how they make and keep friends. Don’t copy all of the things they do, but try to notice what they do. Then try some of those things yourself.
3. Don’t be afraid to show people what you’re really good at. Talk about the things you like and do best. Don’t hide your strong points. People will be interested in you if there is something interesting about you.
4. Plan things to talk about with people. Find out what’s in the newspaper headlines, listen to CDs, learn about what’s new with your favorite TV or movie star. The more you have to say, the more people will be interested in having a conversation with you
5. Look people in the eye when you talk to them. That way, they’ll find it easier to talk to you. It’s very difficult to have a conversation with people whose eyes are looking to the left, to the right, or at the floor. People may think you’re not interested in them and may stop being interested in you.
6. Be a good listener. Let people talk about themselves before talking about “me, me, me.” Ask lots of questions and show an interest in their answers.
    _4_    a. Tony is never sure what to talk about when he meets people.
    b. Rose wants to know why her classmate, Cindy, is so good at making friends.
    c. Adam stays home every weekend and watches videos.
    d. Benson is a very good dancer, but he never tells anyone about it.
    e. Martha doesn’t care for others. She always talks about herself.
    _    f. When Pedro feels unfortable talking to someone, he starts to look away.
a        4__;   b.    ;    c.    ;   d.    ;   e.    ;   f.    4—2—1—3—6—5 


解析:要根据文章的内容,来填空。注意人物与描述的搭配。a        4__;这句话说Tony遇见人无话可说,而第四项的内容讲的是教人们如何储备说话的材料,它们正好吻合。
b.    2    这句话说Rose的同班同学Cindy特别擅长交友。而第二项讲的是向会交友的学习,学习他们的交友方式方法,但不是全盘照抄,然后自己践行。
c.    1    这句话说Adam每周末呆在家里看录像。而第一项讲的是通过参加各种活动来交友。
d.    3    ;这句话说Benson的舞跳得特别好,但他不告诉别人自己的长处。而第三项讲的是不要隐藏你的优势,与别人一起分享。
e.    6    ;这句话说Martha不关心他人,一开口就说自己。而第六项讲的是当一个好听众,让别人先谈谈自己,然后才轮到你说说自己。
f.    5    这句话话说当Pedro感到与某人说话不舒服时,他开始眼神开溜。而第五项讲的是说话时眼睛看着对方,而不是一会看左,一会看右,一会看地面。