
发布时间:2020-07-27 04:11:19

阅读理解There once lived a rich businessman who had a lazy son. The businessman wanted his son to realize the value of labour and said: “Today, I want you to go out and earn something, failing which you won’t have your meals tonight.”He went crying straight to his mother. Her heart melted at her son’s eyes. She gave him a gold coin. When the father asked his son what he had earned, the son presented him the gold coin. The father asked him to throw it into a well.The next day, he asked his son to earn something. This time he went crying to his sister who gave him a coin. When he showed it to his father he again asked him to throw it in a well. Then the father asked him to earn more money.This time since there was no one to help him, the son was forced to go to the market. One shopkeeper told him he would pay him two coins if he carried his trunk to his house. He did so and sweated plenty. As he returned home he was asked to do the same. The son almost cried out. He could not imagine throwing his hard-earned money like this. He cried, “My entire body is aching. You are asking me to throw the money into the well.”At this moment, the businessman told him one feels the pain only when the fruits of hard labour are wasted. On the earlier two occasions he was helped and therefore had no pain in throwing the coins into the well. The son had now realized the value of hard work. He promised never to be lazy and to safely keep the father’s wealth. The father handed over the keys of his shop to the son and promised to guide him through the rest of the life.1.Which of the following is TRUE?A.At first the son was hard-working and responsible.B.The father taught his son a lesson in a good way.C.The father didn’t like his son at all.D.The businessman was a little lazy.2.According to the passage, the father wanted his son to realize ______.A.the importance of helping othersB.the importance of moneyC.the value of hard labourD.the value of money3.It can be inferred from the passage that ______.A.the mother was very generousB.the sister was very warm-heartedC.the father was very strictD.the shopkeeper was very cruel4.According to the last paragraph, we can guess the boy was likely to ______.A.look for a good jobB.use up his father’s wealthC.bee a successful guideD.follow his father’s career


BCCD解析文章讲述的一个父亲为了教育他懒惰的儿子,让儿子去赚钱,把得到的钱仍到井里面,通过这件事情,儿子意识到通过辛苦赚来的钱是很珍贵的,从而改变了这个懒惰的毛病。1.根据文章大意可知,父亲让他的儿子通过赚钱,得到了一个教训。2.事实细节题,根据第一段The businessman wanted his son to realize the value of labour可知。3.推理判断题,因为父亲每次都让儿子把金币扔到井里,严格要求他要通过自己的努力赚取,可知,他父亲很严格。4.根据最后一段的The father handed over the keys of his shop to the son and promised to guide him through the rest of the life可知,父亲把他的生意交给了儿子,所以儿子会继承父亲的生意。