【小题1】 Don’t make rude remarks(谈论) about their appearances【小题2】Don’t interrupt(打断) me while

发布时间:2020-08-16 18:03:57

【小题1】 Don’t make rude remarks (谈论) about their appearances
【小题2】Don’t interrupt (打断) me while Iam working.
【小题3】Fresh air is beneficial  (有益的) to peaple'health.
【小题4】At the meeting they discussed three different approaches (方法) to the study of mathematics
【小题5】A good idea struck  (突然想到)me .
【小题6】 He says what he thinks regardless (不管) of other people's feelings.
【小题7】She had no desire (渴望) to get rich .
【小题8】Paula’parents divorced (离婚) when she was 15.
【小题9】Do me a favor (恩惠) turn the radio down while I am on the phone, will you?
【小题10】Generally (一般来说) speaking ,those who pay attention to physical exercise are in good health.


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