my teacher.(麻烦翻译)她是快乐的英语老师,更是快乐的班主任.有她在,就有快乐在.她的课堂

发布时间:2021-02-24 18:03:01

my teacher.(麻烦翻译)她是快乐的英语老师,更是快乐的班主任.有她在,就有快乐在.她的课堂形式简单,却内容丰富.她的为人态度谨严,却言语幽默.在学生心目中,她是一片响晴的天,明净、温暖;在同事的心目中,她是一片淡蓝的海,宽阔、澄澈.


My English teacher(有歧义,最好的翻译是My teacher of English) is a happy teacher and a happy head teacher,too. Where there is she, there is happiness. Her teaching style is simple but rich/colorful. She is conscientious in attitude and humorous in speech. In students' mind, she is a (piece of)serene sky, bright, clean and warm. In her colleagues' mind, she is a (piece of) light blue sea, open,(extensive建议open好,跟前面的形容词一样,音节少,读起来更有味道)and clear.