As far back as I can remember, I’ve always known that my brother was different. At first I

发布时间:2020-08-16 22:42:21

As far back as I can remember, I’ve always known that my brother was different. At first I thought this was a  31   thing. But when I got older I learned the truth. My brother had autism (孤独症) and Attention Deficit Disorder (儿童多动症) — serious  32   conditions. At 15, he  33   like a 7-year-old child. When he was little, I didn’t  34   it as much. But as he got older, it became more obvious. When something didn’t go his  35  , he got angry and it took hours to  36   him down. He would talk to himself and play with string. We could never  37   to give him his medicine, otherwise he’d go wild. I was always  38   when we took him anywhere, and I never wanted to bring any of my friends  39   with me.
When I was 10,  I felt like I couldn’t  40   it any more. I’d shout at him for being different and would ask  41   he couldn’t be normal. Of course, he had no  42   what I was talking about. It became very hard,  43   when a friend of mine didn’t want to e over  44   her mom had said my brother was dangerous. Our fights  45   up until one day he came up to me. He gave me a big  46  ,  like he was saying, “I don’t know what I did  47  , but I hope you still love me.” At that moment I realized that I’d better learn to  48   him.
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned how  49   I really am. Having him as a brother has made me kinder and more patient. No matter how busy my  50   is, he’ll always listen to my problems. I worry about his future, but I know he’ll always be loved.
【小题1】A.discouraged B.seriousC.goodD.pitiful【小题2】A.mentalB.physical C.medicalD.normal【小题3】A.experienced B.behaved C.impressedD.expressed【小题4】A.watchB.seeC.observeD.notice【小题5】A.roadB.way C.path D.side【小题6】A.takeB.bringC.calm D.set【小题7】A.wantB.rememberC.allowD.forget【小题8】A.embarrassed B.grateful C.tiresomeD.fortable【小题9】A.hereB.home C.outD.away【小题10】A.seeB.hear C.bear D.believe【小题11】A.whatB.howC.when D.why【小题12】A.mindB.idea C.thoughtD.principle【小题13】A.especiallyB.probablyC.nearlyD.partly【小题14】A.thoughB.ifC.becauseD.while【小题15】A.gaveB.sentC.calledD.kept【小题16】A.hugB.hit C.shockD.kick【小题17】A.rightB.perfectC.gentleD.wrong【小题18】A.acceptB.receiveC.persuadeD.advise【小题19】A.terribleB.badC.cleverD.lucky【小题20】A.teacher B.brotherC.father D.friendC 


【小题2】A考查形容词辨析。得了孤独症的人精神上(mental) 是有问题的。
【小题3】B考查动词辨析。15岁的时候,表现的像(behave like)一个小孩。
【小题4】D考查动词辨析。当我小的时候,我并没有注意到(notice) 同样多。
【小题5】B考查名词辨析。go one’s way如某人的愿。如果事情没有入他的愿,他会变得生气。
【小题6】C考查动词辨析。calm down 平静下来 要花费几个小时使他平静下来。
【小题12】B考查名词辨析。have no idea不知道 后面接同为语从句。
【小题15】D考查动词辨析。keep up保持 我和弟弟之间的战争一直持续着,直到有一天…
【小题16】A考查名词辨析。give sb a hug给某人一个拥抱
【小题17】D考查形容词辨析。do wrong 做错 我不知道自己做错什么了。