Attention, please. This is the time capsule to the Anti-Japanese War. Please take and yo

发布时间:2020-08-17 06:45:17

Attention, please. This is the time capsule to the Anti-Japanese War. Please take      and      your belt. It’s leaving.
A. your seats, tie
B. place, fasten
C. your place, fasten
D. your time, fix


A. your seats, tie
B. place, fasten
(答案→)C. your place, fasten
D. your time, fix
解析:考查区分短语和词义。句意:大家注意了,这是抗日战争的时间舱,请坐好并系好安全带,要起飞了。take one’s seats take one’s place 请就坐,系好安全带用fasten,不用tie,tie只表拴,系,而fasten表拴紧,所以C正确。