Tom: My brother will be surprised when he opens this package I’m sending.Jack: Why are you

发布时间:2020-08-16 11:01:29

Tom: My brother will be surprised when he opens this package I’m sending.
Jack: Why are you sending him a package?
Tom:     .
A. It’s a new radio
B. It’s his birthday
C. It’s very expensive
D. It’s too late


(答案→)A. It’s a new radio
B. It’s his birthday
C. It’s very expensive
D. It’s too late
解析:情景交际。A.这是个新的收音机   B.这是他的生日C.这太贵了 D. 太迟了。句意:——当我的哥哥打开这个我送的包裹是肯定会大吃一惊?——为什么你送他一个包裹?结合语境可知选A最符合语境。