根据英文信息提示,写一篇题为My Senior High School Life 的100词左右的短文。短文写在答题卷上,文章开头已写出(不记入总字数)。What is your

发布时间:2020-08-16 15:38:43

根据英文信息提示,写一篇题为My Senior High School Life 的100词左右的短文。短文写在答题卷上,文章开头已写出(不记入总字数)。
What is your first impression of your school?
How are you getting along in this new term?
What are your present problems or difficulties? Please list at least two.
How do you wish your teachers to help you in future?
My Senior High School Life
How time flies! It’s two months since I entered high school.                         
    My Senior High School Life 


(答案→)My Senior High School Life 