Coming home from school, I was filled with excitement. But I was into stillness by what I

发布时间:2020-08-17 08:49:26

Coming home from school, I was filled with excitement. But I was     into stillness by what I saw. Mother, seated at the end of the sofa,     , with the second-hand green typewriter on the table. She told me she couldn’t type fast and she was out of work. My shock at finding mother in tears was a perfect     of how    I understood the pressures on her. Sitting beside her on the sofa, I began very    to understand. I could     her pain and the tension (压力) of    the strong feeling that were interrupted by my arrival. Suddenly,  something inside me    . I reached out and put my arms around her. She broke then. She put her face     my shoulder and sobbed. I held her     and didn’t try to talk. I knew I was doing what I should, and that was enough. At that moment,     mother’s back with feelings, I understood for the first time her being so easy to    .  She was still my mother,    she was  something    : a person like me, capable of fear and     and failure. I could feel her pain as she must have felt mine on a thousand occasions when I sought    in her arms.
A week later mother took a job at half the salary the radio station     . “It’s a job I can do, though.” She said     . But the evening practice on the old green typewriter continued. I had a very     feeling now when I heard her tapping away across the paper at night. I knew there was something more going on in there than a woman learning to     .
【小题1】A.lazyB.shockedC.ashamedD.tired【小题2】A.smilingB.thinkingC.cryingD.whispering【小题3】A.proofB.feelingC.excuseD.explanation【小题4】A.littleB.muchC.eagerlyD.worriedly【小题5】A.suddenlyB.slowlyC.proudlyD.quickly【小题6】A.watchB.recognizeC.lookD.sense【小题7】A.putting awayB.stopping fromC.sitting upD.holding back【小题8】A.turnedB.litC.increasedD.rose【小题9】【小题10】A.carefullyB.politelyC.tightlyD.thoughtfully【小题11】A.feelingB.reachingC.watchingD.sensing【小题12】A.breakB.contentC.understandD.fall【小题13】A.stillB.thereforeC.yetD.however【小题14】A.muchB.hugeC.littleD.more【小题15】A.cutB.hurtC.defeatD.wound【小题16】A.memoryB.supportC.fortD.kindness【小题17】A.offeredB.paid forC.contributedD.supplied【小题18】A.sadlyB.simplyC.excitedlyD.worriedly【小题19】A.hardB.pleasantC.seriousD.different【小题20】A.workB.writeC. typeD.sellB 


【小题1】B形容词辨析。A. 懒惰;B. 震惊的; C. 羞愧的; D. 疲倦的。根据下文My shock at finding mother in tears可以判断作者看到母亲哭泣很震惊,答案选B。
【小题2】C动词辨析。 A. 微笑;B. 思考,认为;  C. 哭泣;D. 低语。从下文My shock at finding mother in tears was a perfect…可知当作者回家时母亲正因为失业而哭泣,答案选C。
【小题3】A名词辨析。A. 证据;B. 感情; C. 借口; D. 解释。由上下文可知作者不知道母亲来自工作方面的压力,所以他表现出的震惊正好证明了自己对母亲关心的少,了解的也少,所以选A。
【小题4】A副词辨析。A少; B.多;   C. 热切地;D. 担忧地。根据上文作者表现出的震惊可以推测作者对目前所处的状况以及母亲的压力知之甚少,故答案选A。
【小题5】B副词辨析。A.突然;B. 慢;C. 骄傲地;D. 迅速地。从情理可知当作者看到母亲哭泣以后,从母亲的叙述中才慢慢了解到了事情的原委,才开始理解母亲的困境,其余选项不符合语境,答案选B。
【小题6】D动词辨析。A. 观看;  B. 认出;   C. 看; D. 察觉。根据当时的情景推测,母亲不想在孩子面前表现的太过伤心,但是作者坐在母亲身边感受到了的母亲的痛苦和压力,而其余选项不构成搭配,答案选D。
【小题7】D动词短语辨析。A. 收起;B. 停止;C.坐起; D. 抑制。 从情理可知起初的时候母亲在作者面前尽量压制自己的悲伤难过,不想在孩子面前表现出脆弱,hold back“抑制,控制”,故答案选D。
【小题8】A动词辨析。A.变,转身;B. 点燃;  C. 增加; D. 起身。看到母亲的悲痛,一种感情涌上了作者的心头,turn可以表示“开始涨或落”,答案选A。
【小题9】B介词辨析。A.通过; B. 对抗,抵; C.向上;D. 朝。根据情理推测可知当时母亲非常伤心,情感非常脆弱,所以当作者搂住她的肩膀时,她情绪失控,头抵在了作者的肩头抽泣起来,against“紧靠,倚”,答案选B。
【小题10】C副词辨析。A. 仔细地;B. 礼貌地; C. 紧紧地;D.深思地。从情理可知作者紧紧地搂着母亲,来表达他的安慰,其余选项不符合语境,答案选C。
【小题11】A动词辨析。A. 感觉到,摸; B.到达;C. 注视;D. 察觉。由当时的情景可以想象作者没有用语言来安慰母亲,只是搂着母亲的肩膀,轻轻抚摸着她的后背,用肢体的动作来表达他的安慰,答案选A。
【小题12】A动词辨析。A. 碎,情绪失控;B. 使某人满意;C. 理解;D. 降落。从上文母亲的表现She broke then,可知母亲内心也有着非常脆弱的一面,句意:我第一次知道母亲的情绪也是如此容易失控,答案选A。
【小题13】C副词辨析。A.仍然;  B.因此;C.然而;    D. 然而。根据上下句意思可知此处表示转折关系,而however表示转折时是副词,不引导并列句, yet可以作为连词引导句子,答案选C。
【小题14】D形容词辨析。A. 许多;B. 巨大的; C. 少的;D.更多。从上文判断作者此时意识到了母亲不仅仅是孩子的保护伞,也是一个有着喜怒哀乐的人,一个需要支持和安慰的人,句意:她仍然是我的母亲,然而她又不只是母亲:她还是一个像我一样的人……
【小题15】B名词辨析。A. 刀口; B. 伤痛;C. 打败;D. 受伤。根据下文I could feel her pain可知此处指内心所受到的伤痛,hurt可以是感情受伤,wound受刀伤枪伤等,答案选B。
【小题16】C名词辨析。A. 记忆;B.支持;C. 安慰;    D.友善。由情理可知当孩子受到委屈或者打击时,在母亲的臂弯里寻求的是一种安慰,答案选C。
【小题17】A动词辨析。A. 提供;B.支付;C.贡献; D. 供应。根据定语从句the radio station   52 中先行词salary的搭配可知此处选A,句意:母亲找的这份工作付给的薪水是以前那份工作的一半。
【小题18】B副词辨析。A. 难过地; B. 简单地,仅仅;C.激动地;D. 担忧地。从后句的转折词But可以判断母亲只是嘴上这么说,没有表现出她的真实感受和内心的想法,所以选B。
【小题19】D形容词辨析。 A.困难的; B. 愉快的;C. 严重的;D.不同的。根据上文叙述的故事以及下文I knew there was something more going on in there than …可知经过这件事后作者对母亲有了更深的了解,所以他内心的感受也不同以往了,答案选D。
【小题20】C动词辨析。A. 工作;B.写;   C. 打字;D. 卖。从上文可知母亲是因为打字慢而被解雇的,所以她后来一直在练习打字,答案选C。