英语翻译论文设计摘要摘要 本设计的课题为多儿水电站工程拦河大坝设计总体布置,课题的重点是多儿水电

发布时间:2021-02-23 22:52:28

英语翻译论文设计摘要摘要 本设计的课题为多儿水电站工程拦河大坝设计总体布置,课题的重点是多儿水电站引水枢纽工程拦河坝、泄洪排沙洞,溢洪道和引水发电建筑物组成.本工程以发电为主,总库容813万m3,电站装机容量3×10MW.正常蓄水位(设计洪水位)1986m,下泄流量240 m3/s;


Design of this issue for many children hydroelectric dam project Lan He designed the overall layout,the issue is the focus of many children diversion hydroelectric dam project,the flood sediment-dong,spillway and water power generation ponents of the building.This works mainly in power generation,with a total capacity of 8,130,000 m3,power installed capacity of 3 × 10MW.Normal water level (the design flood level) 1986m,discharge flow 240 m3 / s;
Key words:power station hub
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